Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Garden goods

We've amazingly been getting vegetables up until this point out of the gardens and greenhouse.  Not enough to supply us exclusively (we buy a lot of carrots, broccoli and frozen green beans to get us through), but very nice supplements.  Salad lettuce up until Christmas, some small brussel sprouts which were nice in this kale salad, and now from the greenhouse decent amounts of kale, bok choy, 'spring' onions, kohlrahbi, and parsley. 

As we enjoy these treats, thoughts are turning to this season's spring gardens and the seed catalogs are coming out.  And this time of year it's easy to dream about what's to come in the spring (a cow! new chickens!  well, maybe not this year...at least for the cow :)).  We are certainly looking forward to reworking how things are set up in the gardens and focusing on improving the soil with better crop rotations, integration of animals to provide greater fertility, and aggressive use of cover crops.  We've decided to take another year off of the CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture - where customers buy a share of produce in the winter, ahead of time, and that produce is distributed throughout the growing season).  The focus will be on planning, restructuring, enjoying with our family and friends, and going to the farmers market.  Also look for us at plant sales in the spring and possibly a few open houses or farm stands at the farm.

Here's to a healthy 2012!

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